Members of Board of Directors

  • Message from the Chairman of Board of Directors

    Dear Partners,

    While insurers were thinking of re-building everything about insurance with better and more resistance against all unprecedented events that occurred in 2020, we joined the sector as a breath of fresh air and a new passion in late 2020.

    Started our operations with the goal of presenting accessible solutions to all our stakeholders by combining 30 years of knowledge and experience with an innovative perspective; we, Ana Insurance, desire to make a difference with our power derived from our fields of specialty. We adopt providing all our stakeholders with new experience as one of the crucial elements of our mission. Thanks to the strong collaboration with our agencies; we will open up new horizons for the future of our insured. While doing this, we will turn our face to the modern world, by sticking to our cultural and moral values. I strongly believe that we will create new success stories on this journey that we embarked upon with a different insurance concept and by adopting innovation as a principle. We will be the lead actors of this adventure all together!

    Loves and Regards.

    Tayfun ALTINTAŞ

    Chairman of Board of Directors, Ana Sigorta A.Ş.

  • Tayfun ALTINTAŞ - Chairman of Board of Directors, Ana Sigorta A.Ş.

    Kantürk ÖZTÜRK – Member of Board of Directors and General Manager

    Gizem ÖZTOK ALTINSAÇ- Member of Board of Directors

    Ayhan DAYOĞLU- Member of Board of Directors

    Ozan ŞAHİN - Member of Board of Directors & Executive Vice President (Underwriting, Claims and Operations)